I'm currently 10 days into a 24 day cleanse. We're not talking about something crazy like only drinking cayenne honey lemon water until your asshole prolapses, just a boring old cleanse. It's probably easier to say what I can eat than list the million things I can't. Basically it's lean proteins, non starchy vegetables and limited fruit. As for beverages I'm thanking the sweet lord above coffee is legit and of course tea and water. This means no alcohol. No red wine, beer, lime palm bays, sangria or any of the other beverages I've come to enjoy so thoroughly. This will mark a huge milestone in my drinking career. Never in the past 8-9 years have I given my pickled liver more than a 6 day break, NEVER. I did try once before on another cleanse to make it 12 days which failed miserably once Friday night rolled around. I really do have a very special love for food but when it comes down to it I'll settle for oatmeal for the rest of my days as long as it's paired with my beverage of choice. This may make me sound like an alcoholic and maybe I am but that doesn't change the facts. This is going to be a LONG 24 days. We're probably thinking the same thing, how on earth am I going to pull this off?
I consider myself a very competitive person. I'll use any excuse to turn a friendly game into something a little less friendly that can likely be bragged about later. I can single handedly do this to ANY game that has more than 1 person participating. Cranium, cards, bocce, baseball you name it and I've probably got money or my dignity (usually both) riding on the outcome. Solo sports have never been my thing and you can probably figure out why. Honestly I have a hard time playing games on my phone more than once because it's so god damn boring trying to beat your own score. I've always thought of people that lived for solo sports to be weaker human beings. Maybe they don't stand a chance in a game against anyone but themselves? My apologies and condolences if that's what you're in to and I'm forced to wonder, what is the point?! This may make me out to sound a bit intense and maybe even petty but I'm always in it for the possibility of a win. This obviously isn't the outcome every time (I lack natural athletic skill) and often I'm forced to swallow sadness but at least I'm swallowing something. Imagine winning something like the world cup in ping pong, jumping up and down alone, hugging yourself. Or imagine eating a 12 pack of calorie free long johns watching The Real World on MTV. I would take the latter even if I had to replace MTV for TSN because winning alone isn't winning at all.
I consider a cleanse some form of a solo sport, which as I stated above I'm no good at. I've proven this time and time again, I just don't care enough to see the outcome when I'm the only one at the finish line. This is where the problem started. I had to ask myself how I could get through this with out the force of a competition driving me. Then I realized I didn't have to. What this has turned into a classic dual only it's between fat me and skinny me, weak me and strong me and it's working like a charm. Changing my mind set was all it took. As long as I feel that I'm beating someone out (in this case my fat and weak alter ego) I can persevere through anything. So I guess you can say I'm starting to think slightly more of all you solo sport lovers and starting to understand your mind set. Maybe solo sports really can be fun and make you look cool. I'm actually thinking of taking one up myself, check it out:
If you know me at all you know that by me writing this blog there is no doubt in my mind I will make it the full 24 days. Even though I'm only a portion of the way through this (14 days 4 hours to go) I can already see the finish line and taste the victory (a 24 oz glass of sangria). Honestly never thought I would be saying this but I actually feel great. I have more energy, I'm getting more done at work, I'm no longer a slave to my stomach and I'm even more happy (until Saturday night rolls around obviously). Maybe it's a bit empowering to know my main addictions and habits don't control me and I'm capable of abstinence, at least for a short period of time. Oh I also came to the realization that any future children I have with be produced in a surrogate womb. Even one weekend off the sauce really can put a lot into prospective. Nine months sounds like a death sentence, or worse, a baby with FAS. Well enjoy your beverages of choice this weekend and have an extra (dozen) for me. |
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